Sean Butler is a world-renowned composer, performer, producer, and musical director with an illustrious career spanning over two and a half decades. Born with a natural talent for music, Sean honed his skills and received his music diploma in Light Music (Jazz) from Pretoria Technikon (Tshwane University of Technology ) in 1998. His talents have earned him numerous accolades and awards in recognition of his productions and musical arrangements. He also has various local and international platinum-selling albums and DVD productions to his credit. His JAXSTA profile lists 167 releases and 566 registered productions and recordings to his credit. Sean's performances have thrilled audiences worldwide, and he has shared the stage with some of South Africa's biggest stars at sold-out arenas.
Sean Butler is a world-renowned composer, performer, producer, and musical director with an illustrious career spanning over two and a half decades. Born with a natural talent for music, Sean honed his skills and received his music diploma in Light Music (Jazz) from Pretoria Technikon (Tshwane University of Technology ) in 1998. His talents have earned him numerous accolades and awards in recognition of his productions and musical arrangements. He also has various local and international platinum-selling albums and DVD productions to his credit. His JAXSTA profile lists 167 releases and 566 registered productions and recordings to his credit. Sean's performances have thrilled audiences worldwide, and he has shared the stage with some of South Africa's biggest stars at sold-out arenas.
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