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Tracks Pro

All the tracks you'll ever need, at anytime.

Subscribe Now

Unlimited Tracks in Prime

With a Tracks Pro subscription, you can unlock all the tracks you need to use in the Prime app.

lite tracks

Lite Tracks Pro

Once you sign up for Tracks Pro, search for the Lite track you want and add it to your library. Then access your tracks in our free Prime App. Prime makes it easy to run tracks in worship. Change the key & tempo of your tracks, customize your arrangement and more!

Learn more about how to get started with Prime.

  • Unlock any Lite Track
  • Simple and affordable
  • Use in the Prime App
  • Unlimited access
Tracks included in subscription are dependent upon licensing and can change at any time.

Tracks Pro

Tracks Pro unlocks Premium, Enhancement, Community and Lite Tracks at Loop Community. Search for the track you want and add it to your library. Easily access your tracks in our free Prime App. Prime makes it easy to run tracks in worship. Change the key & tempo of your tracks, customize your arrangement and more!

  • Unlock any track type (except Master)
  • Easy and predictable billing
  • Use in the Prime App
  • Includes 15, 25, or 50 Tracks per month
  • Track unlocks reset each month
Tracks included in subscription are dependent upon licensing and can change at any time.
all tracks

Subscription Options

Choose from Monthly or Annual Billing options.

Lite Tracks

$9.99 per month

Unlimited Access in the Prime app to any Lite Track

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Tracks Pro

per month

Unlock any track (excluding Master)




Tracks per month


Why are some tracks not available in the subscription?

Some songs from our catalog may not be included in our subscription services for a number of reasons. We reserve the right to add or remove content at any time without notice.

How many tracks can I unlock with a Lite Tracks Pro subscription?

How long do I have access to the tracks?

As a Lite Tracks Pro subscriber, can I also access the WAV files?

How do I cancel my Lite Tracks Pro subscription?

Why are some tracks not available in the subscription?

Some songs from our catalog may not be included in our subscription services for a number of reasons. We reserve the right to add or remove content at any time without notice.

How long do I have access to the tracks?

How do I cancel my Lite Tracks Pro subscription?

How many tracks can I unlock with a Lite Tracks Pro subscription?

As a Lite Tracks Pro subscriber, can I also access the WAV files?

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