
A wireless controller for your multitracks

Bluetooth Wireless

Connect to your computer or mobile device from up to 30 feet away!

Rechargeable Battery

Use for at least 10 hours on a single charge.

Quality Build

The best midi controller deserve the best materials.

Everything you love about Looptimus, but now Wireless!

Looptimus+ is the best way to control your music software. Use Looptimus with Ableton Live, Prime, or any other MIDI capable application. Looptimus+ connects to your device using Bluetooth technology.

Looptimus+ is the best way to control your music software. Use Looptimus with Ableton Live, Prime, or any other MIDI capable application.

You've never done so much with one foot.

looptimus plus front
looptimus plus slide

Connect to any device wirelessly

Looptimus+ is the ultimate MIDI foot controller for music software on your computer or mobile device

looptimus plus top


Schaue rein und erlebe Einfachheit


Sende MIDI-Noten an die Musiksoftware, um Titel für die Wiedergabe auszulösen. Nutze 20 Tasten - jede mit 6 MIDI-Noten pro Taste. Jede Taste gibt dir 6 weitere MIDI-Noten.

Programm Wechsel

Sende Programmänderungen über 5-Pin-MIDI an Effektpedale oder Keyboards, während du gleichzeitig deinen nächsten Song starten kannst.

Pad Modus

Spiele jedes Software-Instrument mit deinen Füßen ab, um deine Hände frei zu haben, während du Gitarre spielst! Ein Fußschalter hat noch nie so gut geklungen.

This is Looptimus on a whole new level.


How do you charge Looptimus+?

You can charge Looptimus+ using a USB cable or 9V-2A (must be Center Positive) power adapter (sold separately).

How do I connect wirelessly?

How do I connect Looptimus+ wirelessly to a Mac?

How do I connect Looptimus+ wirelessly to an iPhone or iPad?

How do I connect Looptimus+ wirelessly to a PC?

How far does the Bluetooth go?

How long does the battery last?

What does it work with?

Does Looptimus+ work with the Looptimus Mini?

What expression pedal do you recommend?

How do you charge Looptimus+?

You can charge Looptimus+ using a USB cable or 9V-2A (must be Center Positive) power adapter (sold separately).

How do I connect Looptimus+ wirelessly to a Mac?

How do I connect Looptimus+ wirelessly to a PC?

How long does the battery last?

Does Looptimus+ work with the Looptimus Mini?

How do I connect wirelessly?

How do I connect Looptimus+ wirelessly to an iPhone or iPad?

How far does the Bluetooth go?

What does it work with?

What expression pedal do you recommend?