How to plan speaking moments in your worship set

Do you ever struggle coming up with what to say between songs in your worship set? Here’s a few tips to think about for next weekend!
1. Know the Message
Know the topic of the message that week. This way you have an idea of what direction to lead your church.

2. Recite A Simple Prayer/Scripture
You can never go wrong with a simple prayer or reading a passage of scripture to align your congregation with where you feel the Spirit is leading. Reading scripture can be a great way to set up the next song and pastor your church in their worship response.

3. Ask for Advice
Talk with your senior pastor or other worship leaders beforehand to get ideas if you aren’t sure what to say. You can also ask another worship leader on your team to pray or share a scripture that week.
4. Ask God for Leadership
Most importantly, pray that the Lord would give you discernment to lead well and confidently in whatever He has for your church family that weekend.