The Worship Innovators Conference

October 2-3, 2023
Chicago, IL
The Worship Innovators Conference is not your typical worship conference. Whether you are a part of a large or small church, this two-day conference will teach you how to better implement technology and take your worship services to the next level. Discover how to become more efficient in planning, being prepared for the unexpected, and how to integrate the best tech for tracks, charts, service planning and more!
The conference is taught and hosted by the top innovators of worship resources: CCLI, Planning Center, Loop Community, PraiseCharts, Sweetwater, OnSong, Sunday Sounds and many others! Many of the founders and members of these companies also help lead the worship sessions during the conference. While the conference is led by innovators from these companies, their goal is not to sell you on products, but to help you grow and find options to help your worship.
“I’ve never been to another event like Worship Innovators Conference. Being able to connect with other creators and worship leaders for powerful worship and equipping sessions was inspiring. The level of teaching and experience across the main sessions and breakouts was unmatched, and the opportunity to see the heart behind each speaker was a blessing. There was a huge focus on keeping things practical for any church and budget size, and a refreshing lack of ego. We will be there every year!” – David Pfaltzgraff, Founder and Lead Sound Designer of Sunday Sounds
Last year’s conference was the first in-person Worship Innovators Conference. Over 450 worship leaders and tech teams gathered in Chicago for an amazing two days of worship and training.
This year will be even better. The theme of 2023 is Rebuilding. If you’re hoping to rebuild your worship team after Covid, rebuild your technology to better suit your church, or rebuild the way you run rehearsals, you don’t want to miss this. Hear main talks, panels, and breakouts centered around rebuilding and elevating your worship and team.
We’re also bringing back the conference wide cornhole tournament and hangout time the first night! It’s a great time to connect with worship leaders at other churches and the top innovators of worship resources. This year’s conference is also going to feature a troubleshooting booth where worship leaders can bring technical problems they’ve been experiencing. Lunches will be provided, and this year there will be networking opportunities to connect you with other worship leaders in similar roles.
When asked about the heart behind the conference, Founder of Worship Innovators & Loop Community Matt McCoy said, “Worship Leaders can sometimes feel like they’re alone. At Worship Innovators, we want to provide a space for like-minded worship leaders to build community with each other and learn practical solutions to real problems they face in ministry. It’s designed for your entire team to learn, grow and be inspired together.”
If you’re interested in attending the Worship Innovators Conference, head over to to register you and your team!