Following a seven-year hiatus, internationally-renowned South African rock band Tree63 released their seventh album 'Land' in 2015. Formed in late-1996, the three-piece band, consisting of John Ellis (vocals and guitar), Darryl Swart (drums) and Daniel Ornellas (bass), first came to international attention with the release of their second album, “63” (Survivor Records), in 1999.
Following a seven-year hiatus, internationally-renowned South African rock band Tree63 released their seventh album 'Land' in 2015. Formed in late-1996, the three-piece band, consisting of John Ellis (vocals and guitar), Darryl Swart (drums) and Daniel Ornellas (bass), first came to international attention with the release of their second album, “63” (Survivor Records), in 1999.
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