External Hard Drive for Ableton Loops and MultiTracks

Hey everyone,
I’ve had a few people in the past week ask me a question about Ableton and external hard-drives to run Loops and MultiTracks.
Some people are in the understanding that in order to run Loops + MultiTracks in Ableton you have to have an external hard drive.
I’m not exactly sure where this is coming from, but let me just say that in most cases you DO NOT need to have an external hard drive. The only reason you would need an external drive is if you are running out of disk space on your hard drive, or if you find that you are seriously slamming your internal drive because you have a million stems playing at once. Ableton handles system resources very well, so this is usually not an issue.
For as long as I’ve been using loops + multi-tracks in worship, I’ve never run into an issue…. even on an old Dell PC laptop in 2003 (yes, I’ll admit I was on PC then).
However, I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Share away.