Setting Up Track Rig with Ableton Live

Published by Loop Community on

Track Rig is an 8 channel audio interface that’s great for running tracks. It’s simplistic design makes it easy to set up in Ableton Live. It has eight XLR outputs so that you can get more control of your tracks, and go directly to your soundboard without any other hardware. Here’s how to set it up!

First, plug in your Track Rig to your computer running Ableton Live. If you’re using a Mac, Ableton Live will automatically recognize that Track Rig is connected.

After this, follow these easy steps in Ableton.

  1. Select “Live” in the top toolbar.
  2. Select “Preferences”.
  3. Click on the “Audio” tab.
  4. Click the dropdown menu next to “Audio Output Device”.
  5. Select “Loop Community Track Rig”.
  6. Next to “Channel Configuration”, click on “Output Config”.
  7. Make sure all the channels are highlighted in yellow. This means they are enabled.

PC Configuration

If you’re using a PC, it works a little differently, but don’t worry it only takes a couple minutes.
1. Download the latest driver by going to the web address in your manual.
2. Run the installation process for ASIO4ALL. Then restart your computer after the install is complete.
3. In Ableton Live under Driver Type, select “ASIO”. Then under Audio Output Device, select “ASIO4ALL v2”. Now you’re ready to go.

Routing the Tracks

All you have to do now is route each individual track in Ableton Live to Track Rig. You can do this by clicking on each track’s output dropdown menu and selecting the desired output. For example, if you want your cues track in Ableton to route to channel 1 on Track Rig, go to your cues track and select “1” under the output dropdown menu.

And that’s it! After routing all of your tracks from Ableton to Track Rig, you are ready to run your tracks in live performance. To learn more about Track Rig, visit

Categories: Hardware


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