Handling burnout as a worship leader

Have you ever felt burnt out as a worship leader? Maybe you’re feeling that way right now. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you start to feel this way.
1. Acknowledge Seasons of Weariness
Pushing these feelings off and telling yourself to just “deal with it” can only add to this feeling of burnout after a trying season. Be honest with yourself and take the necessary time to self-reflect, pray, and pursue a renewal of mind and spirit in your own life through your personal walk with the Lord. Sometimes we need to just have time alone, without distractions. Try going on a walk with your phone in airplane mode, and listen to some worship music. Let God speak to you in those moments. Time away can help.
2. Surround yourself with people who encourage you and keep you accountable.
God created us not to live in isolation, but to live in community with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We know that for many of us, this has been especially hard this year. Be honest with those close to you and share how you’re doing so that they can lift you up and encourage you. You may also be the remedy to someone else’s pain – and sometimes giving to others in community is a healing process.
3. Remember why you do what you do.
At the end of the day, we serve because our God is worthy. Whether we wake up feeling tired or feeling full of energy, everything we have in this life is a result of the Lord’s grace and provision. When we truly grasp the weight of the sacrifice that was made so that we can have an abundant life in Christ, we’ll find that there is joy and renewal to be found in the midst of serving such a good God. Sometimes it helps to stop and make a list of 10 things you’re thankful for. We have so much to be thankful for, and counting your blessings can help in seasons of weariness.