Indie Spotlight: Hulen Street Worship

This week we are featuring the band Hulen Street Worship as our Indie Spotlight! Hulen Street Worship is the worship ministry of Hulen Street Church in Fort Worth, Texas. Hulen Street Worship desires worship reflected in every facet of an individual’s life, not just on Sunday mornings. The band says, “At Hulen Street, everything we do as a worship team aims to draw attention to who God is and what He has done. We choose songs and content to that end and rely on the Scriptures to inform their theology.”
Hulen Street Worship released their first album in 2016 titled “God of Everything“. This album features three songs: “God of Everything“, “I Will Boast“, and “Be Thou My Vision“. “Full of original songwriting, ‘God of Everything’ seeks to combine memorable lyrics and strong theology with music that inspires worship from the heart,” said Worship Pastor Aaron Hoskins.
“A rich blend of vocal and instrumental harmonies mark this debut from Hulen Street Worship, with ‘God of Everything’ as the signature song,” said Hoskins. “Be Thou My Vision‘ takes a classic hymn and adds a rhythmic refrain that blends seamlessly. ‘I Will Boast‘ rounds out the album with theological depth and charm.”
These are great songs to use in your worship services. Check out Hulen Street Worship on iTunes and download the Master MultiTracks on! The Master App Track for “I Will Boast” is free until March 8!