Track Rig Multitrack Playback Audio Interface

At Loop Community we know what it’s like as worship leaders to want to spend the best hours of our day creating and refining our craft, instead of messing around with confusing gear and software. It can be difficult, and expensive, to get your multitrack audio to your sound system. There are tons of interfaces to choose from, direct boxes to purchase, and sometimes it’s way more than you actually need. We wanted to simplify this process. We want musicians to be able to route the audio of their tracks in an affordable and easy way.
That’s why we created TRACK RIG.
TRACK RIG gives you everything you need in a single box. No more direct boxes or complicated routing. TRACK RIG is designed for musicians who need their multitracks heard the simplest way possible.
1. 8 XLR Outputs
TRACK RIG has 8 line level XLR Outputs that eliminate the need for direct boxes.
2. Plug & Play
TRACK RIG is plug & play and doesn’t need any audio routing software to get started. Connect to Ableton Live, PRIME, Logic, or any other playback application and it will immediately recognize TRACK RIG as an audio interface.
3. Compatible Devices
You can connect a computer, iPad, or mobile device to TRACK RIG!
4. USB Hub
TRACK RIG gives you four additional USB ports to connect all of your MIDI controllers, hard-drives, or even charge your phone.
5. Rack Mountable
TRACK RIG is the perfect size to be mounted to your rack. You can mount it facing either direction. You can purchase rack ears with your TRACK RIG at
6. Dimensions
TRACK RIG is designed to be super light-weight and perfect for any rack space or backpack. It’s about the size of a 15″ MacBook Pro.
Dimensions: 14” x 7” x 1.75”
Weight: 1 lb
TRACK RIG is available for preorder NOW at and the estimated shipping date is September. TRACK RIG is the easiest way to route your track audio to your sound system and get complete control of your tracks!

Lorne young · July 17, 2018 at 9:55 pm
Will this addition allow our sound personal to change levels on individual outputs in loop community tracks?
How is this different then a high end DI box?
Loop Community · July 18, 2018 at 1:35 pm
Hey Lorne,
Yes, TRACK RIG will allow for your sound engineers to change levels of individual outputs of your tracks!
With a DI box, you also need an audio interface. TRACK RIG is an audio interface that does not require a DI box because it already has XLR outputs. So it can go directly from your TRACK RIG (audio interface) to your sound board.
Hope this helps! If you have any other questions, let us know!
DEXTER TAYLOR · August 12, 2018 at 7:09 am
How does this work if you have a track that has more than 8 instruments?
Loop Community · August 15, 2018 at 9:33 am
Hey Dexter! You can route more than one track to each channel. So you could group similar instruments together. Like synth sounds, electric guitars, percussion instruments, etc. If you needed to then edit the volume of an instrument inside of that channel, you can adjust the volume inside of PRIME, Ableton, or any other DAW. Hope this helps!
PMc · August 15, 2018 at 6:55 pm
I noticed the track rig can run off a power supply, I presume this is to save draining the power on your Mac? My question is are you supplying a Us/UK power supply with the track Rig or making one available? Or will any 12V DC do? Asking from the UK. Thanks
Cj · October 19, 2018 at 11:41 pm
I pre-ordered track rig, How would I go about sending the cues and the clicks to our drummer just so he can hear while using track rig. Would I still be in need a splitter cable and direct box. We have no sound guy. I’m the keyboardist and I have a sixteen channel personal mixer by my board to run prime.
Matt McCarter · October 22, 2018 at 1:21 pm
Hi, quick question. If running this via an iPad as the host, will this track rig also charge the ipad? Having problems finding a solution to use a pedal with the iPad that will allow it to charge as well.
Loop Community · October 22, 2018 at 3:41 pm
Hi Matt,
It will charge the iPad if you use the Apple brand camera adapter and then plug a charge cable into one of the USB hub spots and the charge port on the iPad adapter.
Brandon · October 29, 2018 at 7:15 am
Hey there,
If I wanted to use more than 8 outputs, is it possible to link/daisy chain more than one Track Rig?
Brandon · October 30, 2018 at 5:17 am
Hi there,
I was wondering is it possible to connect two Track Rig’s together so you can have 16-outputs?
Loop Community · November 1, 2018 at 3:23 pm
Hi CJ,
If you don’t have an in-ear monitor system, then you could route the click and cues to channel one of Track Rig and run an XLR cable to a personal mixer by your drummer, just like you would with the left channel of a stereo breakout (splitter) cable. Then your drummer can plug headphones into the mixer to hear the click and cues.
Hope this helps! If you have any other questions email us at
Loop Community · November 1, 2018 at 3:25 pm
Hi Brandon,
You cannot connect two Track Rigs together in Prime, but if you are using Ableton Live, you could set one up as an aggregate device. Although, Ableton Live on their website does not recommend this due to stability issues. If you have more than 8 stems, the best way to do it would be to send similar instruments out of the same channel. For example, Click and Cues could go to channel 1, all the electric guitars to channel 2, bass to 3, drums to 4, all keys/piano to 5, all synth to 6, etc. Then if you need to further mix the stems individually you can do that inside of Prime or Ableton Live.
Hope this helps! If you have any other questions email us at
Matt Dunlap · January 3, 2019 at 12:24 am
Hey does this work with propellerhead reason?
Eddie Lopez · January 6, 2019 at 2:49 pm
Hey there guys,
i just received my track rig on late December. i just tried to use it with my iPad pro with prince but it is not connecting. I’m using a USB B to Lighting cable that I got with one of the iconectivity that I have but it doesn’t seem to work. Do I need a different cable or adaptor?
Matt McCoy · January 9, 2019 at 3:54 pm
You need to use an Apple USB 3.0 Adapter from
Matt McCoy · January 9, 2019 at 3:54 pm
Easy. Plug it in and select as an Audio Output device.
Jon · January 11, 2019 at 1:44 pm
Received our TrackRig in December and one thing I wish there was some sort of visual proof that the unit is powered on. I know the audio signal lights flash when it’s booting up, but once it’s booted, there’s nothing to show that it’s actually on at a glance.
I’ve had a few instances where it powered off somehow but I wasn’t able to tell by glancing at it.
Loop Community · January 14, 2019 at 12:23 pm
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the feedback. I will pass this along to our development team. If you have any issues with Track Rig, please email and our team will be able to help.
Ozzy Castellanos · January 20, 2019 at 10:15 am
When will you restock?
Loop Community · January 21, 2019 at 11:25 am
Soon! We are working on getting round 2 of orders ready. We will be post updates when they are available in our weekly emails, and in our Facebook Group at
En Medio · January 22, 2019 at 12:20 am
Will this addition allow our sound personal to change levels on individual outputs in loop community tracks?
How is this different then a high end DI box?
Jordan · January 23, 2019 at 1:29 pm
Hey! I’ve run into an issue consistently and am wondering if I’m just doing something wrong. If I am in Ableton or even the Prime app on my computer and am working on tracks BUT don’t have my TrackRig plugged into both power and my computer, and then decide to plug it in and assign outputs, my computer will not recognize TrackRig as an option for outs until I restart my computer with it plugged into my computer ports. This is on a month old MacBook Pro using the correct adapters and power supplies- any ideas?
Evan · February 7, 2019 at 11:37 am
You replied to a comment regarding charging an ipad through Track rig using a Apple brand camera adapter and then a charging cable into the USB port on Track Rig. Can you explain what that camera adapter cable is/looks like or provide a link to it on Apple’s website? I cannot seem to find anything with a name like that that would work for this set up. Thanks in advance!
Carl Jacquias · February 7, 2019 at 6:33 pm
I’m from New Zealand , What’s the basic price of Track Rig Interface?
Loop Community · February 18, 2019 at 9:34 am
Hi Jordan,
Are you clicking Devices in Prime and selecting Loop Community Track Rig? In Ableton Live, you also need to go to Live Preferences, Audio, and select Track Rig under Audio Output Device. If Track Rig still isn’t showing up in those places, go to your Mac sound settings and under Output select Loop Community Track Rig. If you don’t see it there either, please email our support team at and they can troubleshoot this with you. Thanks!
Loop Community · February 18, 2019 at 9:36 am
Hey Evan,
Here is a link to the adapter in our shop:
Thanks for being a part of the community!
Loop Community · February 18, 2019 at 9:37 am
Hey Carl, Track Rig is $499. This does not include shipping costs. You can learn more about it here:
Dave · March 1, 2019 at 11:48 am
Hi, if we’re plugging the trackrig straight into the desk, are the outputs protected if phantom power is enabled on the desk by accident, or will phantom power fry the track rig outputs?
Loop Community · March 12, 2019 at 9:42 am
Track Rig is protected against phantom power!
Austin · March 25, 2019 at 11:03 am
Hey, I was about to purchase a Track Rig and I noticed in your return policy I can’t return or get a refund for any reason at all. This makes me nervous because of potential unforeseen issues that the Track Rig will have. What is your support / repair policy?
WILL KIM · March 25, 2019 at 11:34 pm
I’m wondering why one would choose trackrig over another interface? Say a Tascam US-16×08 USB Audio? I’m asking because I’m trying to decide to get a trackrig or another interface. Thanks
Loop Community · March 29, 2019 at 3:24 pm
Hey Will! Track Rig makes running tracks simple. It’s plug and play with no setup software or audio routing outside of your DAW or Prime app. It also is XLR outputs so there is no need to purchase direct boxes. If you do a lot of traveling, Track Rig is only 1 lb so it is super convenient to take with you wherever you go! You can learn more at or email us at with any other questions!
Loop Community · March 29, 2019 at 3:27 pm
Hi Austin, we do have a no return policy on hardware, but if there are any mechanical issues with Track Rig when it arrives, we are able to repair them. You are also able to send it in for repair if there is mechanical issue with it in the future. We are happy to help you with support whenever you need it. We have not experienced issues with Track Rig not working for other users, but we would definitely make it right if there were mechanical defects. If you have any other questions, please email Thanks!
Terry King · April 9, 2019 at 12:13 am
Hi what’s the general shipping time frame to the UK? I want to see if it will arrive before the 17th of April.
Kind regards
Loop Community · April 11, 2019 at 9:29 am
Hi Terry,
We cannot guarantee international shipping times, but it usually takes between 10-14 business days to be delivered.
Hope this helps! If you have any other questions you can email
Philippe · April 25, 2019 at 12:50 am
Hi there
Are you planning to replace the USB B with a USB C connector in the near future?
Loop Community · May 3, 2019 at 1:31 pm
Hi Philippe, we do not have immediate plans for this, but I will pass this along to our development team to look into. Thanks for the feedback!
Eric · May 9, 2019 at 1:43 pm
Supported sample rate / bit depth?
Loop Community · May 10, 2019 at 12:12 pm
Hey Eric,
Track Rig’s bit depth is 24-bit, and it supports these audio sample rates: 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, and 96kHz.
If you have any other questions you can email our team at!
WILL KIM · May 25, 2019 at 3:43 pm
We connected trackrig – it’s not showing up either on my ios or on ableton. Please help asap
Loop Community · May 29, 2019 at 9:51 am
Hi Will,
Can you please email and our team can troubleshoot this with you!
Thanks for being a part of the community!
-The Loop Team
Jason · August 1, 2019 at 8:43 pm
Is it possible to do a redundant rig setup with this?
Loop Community · August 2, 2019 at 12:02 pm
Hey Jason! Track Rig is not able to run a redundant rig setup.
Daniel · November 8, 2019 at 7:02 pm
I run tracks on one MacBook with Ableton and keys on another MacBook with MainStage. Is it possible to use 6 of the XLR outputs for one MacBook through the host USB port and piggyback through the USB hub to use the remaining 2 XLR outputs for the second MacBook?
Loop Community · November 11, 2019 at 11:31 am
Hi Daniel, This isn’t possible because Track Rig only has one USB host port that receives audio. The hub won’t allow you to route a second device. Sorry about that!
Justin · November 24, 2019 at 3:45 pm
Is track rig compatible with the Multitracks Playback Application?
Loop Community · November 26, 2019 at 8:53 am
We haven’t tested this, but Track Rig should work with any music software that can send outputs via USB.
Donnie · May 22, 2020 at 7:30 pm
Is Track Rig compatible with Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4?
Loop Community · May 26, 2020 at 11:46 am
Yes! Track Rig is compatible with Mac OS Catalina.
Ray Rodriguez · October 6, 2020 at 1:14 pm
can i use Track Rig with playback from Multitrack?
Loop Community · October 9, 2020 at 9:53 am
Track Rig will work with any DAW or play back application that can send audio on multiple outputs!