Easy and Affordable Resources for Churches

At Loop Community, we know that there are many small churches out there. Some may not even have musicians to serve.
From day one at Loop Community, we’ve wanted to create easy and affordable resources for churches that don’t have a lot of money to spend. If you’re a worship leader on a small budget, I’d encourage you to check out the thousands of community tracks we have available, as well as our free app for running tracks, Prime. We also offer free tracks from within our site.
If you’re brand new to tracks, be encouraged that you can start slow. You don’t need to buy every track all at once or have the most expensive technology out there. Do what makes sense for your church.
Here are a few great videos to help you get started using tracks if you are a small church:
1. Split Tracks – Simple backing tracks you can use in any media player
2. Getting Started with the Prime App – Easy to use, free app for running tracks
3. How to purchase tracks on Loop Community
As always, we exist to serve you. If you have any questions about if Loop Community or tracks are right for your church, email us at support@loopcommunity.com. Thanks for being a part of the community!
1 Comment
stevediaz · January 30, 2024 at 11:13 pm