The Looptimus Mini’s Three Modes

The Looptimus Mini has three different modes: Note Mode, Program Change Mode, and Control Change Mode. These modes offer different ways to use the Mini, so that you can control your tracks just how you want to!
To get the Mini into a specific mode, while powering on the Mini, hold down either the 1, 2, or 3 button for about five seconds. Note Mode is button 1, Program Change Mode is button 2, and Control Change Mode is button 3. Another thing to mention is that although the Mini has three different buttons, it can send six different MIDI signals. Each button can send two signals: one when you press the button and another when you press and hold down the button for a few seconds. Pressing and holding button 1 will trigger the fourth signal, pressing and holding button 2 will trigger the fifth signal, and pressing and holding button 3 will trigger the sixth signal. Now let’s take a look at these different modes!
Note Mode
With Note Mode, Looptimus Mini will send MIDI notes to any music software with MIDI mapping capabilities This includes applications like Ableton, Logic, MainStage and more. As an example, let’s use Loop Community’s free iOS/MacOS app, Prime. After connecting the Mini to your device running Prime, Prime’s MIDI button will light up. Select it to enter MIDI mapping mode. Select a button in Prime, followed by the button on the Mini you want to map it to. After the buttons have been mapped, select the MIDI button again and you are now ready to trigger buttons in Prime with your Mini.
Program Change Mode
In Program Change Mode, the Mini allows you to easily change presets on software instruments. Setup may differ depending on the software, but presets 1-6 can be toggled by the Mini. You can assign the preset numbers in your software to match whichever MIDI signal of the Mini you would like!
Control Change Mode
Now Control Change Mode works pretty similarly to Note Mode. Some music applications use control changes instead of default MIDI messages and this is the mode you want Looptimus Mini in when using those softwares.
The Looptimus Mini is a small but useful device, that really allows you to streamline your worship set. If you want to buy the Looptimus Mini, check out!